Just Color Picker Icon

Just Color Picker

Pick the right color anywhere on the screen.

Just Color PickerOverview

A free color picker and color-editing tool for web designers, photographers, graphic designers and digital artists. Features HTML, RGB, HEX, HSB/HSV, HSL, CMYK and Delphi color code formats; averaged color sampling for handling color noise; 3x, 9x and 15x magnifier and keyboard control of the mouse cursor movements for greater precision; calculation of the pixel distance between points; color list for saving and re-using the picked colors; the ability to open, edit and save Photoshop's .aco color swatches (Adobe color files) and GIMP's .gpl palette files; user's comments and notes for each picked color; conversion of HTML, HEX and RGB color codes into the corresponding colors; Red-Green-Blue (RGB), Cyan-Magenta-Yellow (CMY) and Red-Yellow-Blue (RYB) color wheels with marked triads and complementary colors; harmonious color scheme generator (with this feature you can quickly find a good combination of colors, for example, for your web site); RGB, HSV and HSL color editors for adjusting and editing the picked colors; gradient transition between the two latest-picked colors for creating a wide range of in-between hues; text tool for evaluating the readability of the selected font and background color combinations; optional stay-on-top behavior; user-defined hotkey to capture color info; copying the color code or its selected part to the clipboard just by one button click. High-DPI aware application; multi-screen support. Multilingual interface: Afrikaans, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Turkish. In addition, the Just Color Picker is a portable program and can be run directly from a USB memory stick with no installation required. Easy-to-use and highly functional tool for anyone working with color.


Lowercase Code option for HTML, HEX and Delphi colour formats.
System-independent decimal separator in RGB[0, 1] format; always displayed as a dot, regardless of the country settings.

Just Color PickerInformation

File Size
Operating Systems
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
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